
Not Able to Validate Server Side Login Using AccessToken and Fetch Profile Information

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I am getting accessToken on front End. however when i send the accessToken using POST to server i am not able to validate the accessToken and retrieve profile information. I get the accessToken
but cannot make it work in back end (NodeJS)

Code On Front End :
// Authenticate For Cordov ased FB Login Only.
//There is a Web Based Login Also For Other Device

log = console.log.bind(console);
app.provider('facebookAuth', [function() {

    var uri;
    return {

        config: function(options) {
            uri = options;
        $get: ['$http', function($http) {

            return {
                login: function(accessToken, cb) {

                    warn("Access Token :");
                        method: 'POST',
                        url: uri.facebookCordova,
                        params: { accessToken: accessToken }
                    }).then(function(resp) {


On The Backend using NODEJS

log = console.log.bind(console);
//cordova Bsed Auth with AccessToken
    app.post('/auth/facebook/cordova', function(req, res) {

        var fields = ['id', 'email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'link', 'name'];
        var graphApiUrl = 'https://graph.facebook.com/v2.5/me?fields=' + fields.join(',');

        var accessToken = req.body.accessToken || req.query.accessToken || req.param["accessToken"];
        log("Access Token :");
        // Step 2. Retrieve profile information about the current user.
        request.get({ url: graphApiUrl, qs: accessToken, json: true }, function(err, response, profile) {
            if (err) {
                return res.status(401).send({ message: err });

            // See if User Exist Or Not Else Create A New User
            UserProfileModel.findOne({ profile: profile.id }, function(err, existUser) {

                log("After Query User :");
                if (err) {
                    res.send({ message: 'Some Error Occured', token: undefined });

                if (existUser) {
                    log("Existing User :");
                    // Update record and chnage flag values
                    var token = createJWT(existUser);

                    res.send({ message: 'Existing User', profile: existUser, token: token, status: true });
                } else {

                    log("New User Found :");
                    var user = new UserProfileModel();
                    user.profile = profile.id || profile.userID;
                    user.picture = 'https://graph.facebook.com/' + profile.id + '/picture?type=large';
                    user.fullName = profile.name;
                    user.email = profile.email;
                    user.isNewProfile = true;
                    user.isProfileCompleted = false;
                    user.save(function(errSave, saved) {

                        if (errSave) {
                            res.status(401).send({ message: 'Duplicates Found', token: undefined, error: errSave, status: false });

                        log("User Saved Successfully :");
                        var token = createJWT(user);
                        res.send({ token: token, profile: user, status: true });


Please suggest what i am doing wrong here. I am trying to use AccessToken here to fetch Profile details and then save it to MongoDB is the user is new or return the profile details if exisiting user exist.
