Issues with linked models from the wmb asset library in wd map files
AhriCutii opened this issue · 0 comments
I ran into a few issues when trying to import a few map files(wd1)
After importing the file everything seemed to work fine. But after I save the blend file and open it again, two issues occur.
First is that the file cannot find the collections linked from the files in the wmb asset library. I get an error that says something like
"Cannot find collection "bg008e_linked" in "bg008e.blend" and the linked files disappear from the blend file
So basically the file now looks for a collections named "(filename)_linked" in the linked blend files from the asset library, which none of them have.
I fixed this by changing this line of code:
( line 172) linkedCollName = f"{modelName}_linked"
to this
linkedCollName = modelName
I dont know if there was a reason for adding "_linked", but so far I havent had issues related to this?(ofc I havent messed around very much to say for sure)
The second issue is that all the linked files will be rotated 90 degrees on the X axis, and I would have to rotate them back manually to get them back to how they are supposed to be, which is mildly annoying at best.
I noticed that the files in the asset library are also rotated 90 degrees on the X axis by default, and rotating those manually back to 0 degrees seems to fix this issue, but it feels like I shouldn't have to do that
A strange thing I noticed is that if I import the dtt map file, the linked assets will be rotated correctly until I save and reload the blend file, while if I import the .lay file directly the assets will be rotated wrong from the start.
P.S. I am using an older version of blender(2.92), so maybe that is the reason for these, but I would appreciate if you could take a look yourself