
Apex Legends - Overlay Not working

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The steam overlay not working with Apex Legends (origin)

Using 1.08c
Origin overlay disabled


[3/27/2019 3:39:24 PM] [NOTE] OSOL is running as: OriginSteamOverlayLauncher [3/27/2019 3:39:24 PM] [OSOL] Attempting to start the launcher: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin\Origin.exe [3/27/2019 3:39:24 PM] [OSOL] Searching for valid process by name: Origin [3/27/2019 3:39:45 PM] [OSOL] Found a valid process in 21s: Origin.exe [13588] [3/27/2019 3:39:45 PM] [MONITOR] Monitoring process Origin.exe for 7s [3/27/2019 3:39:52 PM] [MONITOR] Target process (Origin.exe [13588]) is still running after 7s [3/27/2019 3:39:52 PM] [OSOL] Launching game, cmd: D:\Origin Games\Apex\r5apex.exe [3/27/2019 3:39:52 PM] [OSOL] Searching for valid process by name: r5apex [3/27/2019 3:40:14 PM] [OSOL] Found a valid process in 21s: r5apex.exe [7508] [3/27/2019 3:40:33 PM] [MONITOR] Process exited after 19s attempting to reaquire r5apex.exe [3/27/2019 3:40:33 PM] [MONITOR] Monitoring process r5apex.exe for 10s [3/27/2019 3:40:43 PM] [MONITOR] Timed out after 10s while monitoring the target process: r5apex.exe [3/27/2019 3:40:43 PM] [OSOL] Game exited, moving on to clean up after 7s... [3/27/2019 3:40:50 PM] [OSOL] Found launcher still running, cleaning up... [3/27/2019 3:40:50 PM] [OSOL] Exiting...

You may be confused as to how this is intended to function. Currently, OSOL does not automatically re-launch the game/application for you. It waits for you to re-launch it (via something like the Steam Controller's Desktop profile or KB&M, waiting up to 10 seconds by default) before automatically deciding the application has exited and closing the launcher for you. If OSOL re-launched the application for you there would need to be a limit to its attempts or it would never close.

The log shows that it's working correctly: OSOL launches Origin, finds the Origin process, then launches the game, finds the game process, the game exits, and then it waits 10 seconds for the user to re-launch the game until timing out and cleaning after itself.

If you need the timeout window to be larger (to give you more time to re-launch the game) you can change the InterProcessAcquisitionTimeout variable in the OSOL .ini file to something greater than 10.

Maybe I need to clarify my issue.

I am using your launcher (which is great BTW!) to launch several games through steam BPM (division 2, Apex, BF1). Typically it works flawlessly and the steam overlay hooks into the game correctly... with the exception of Apex.

The steam overlay will not hook into Apex reliably;

I upgraded to 1.08c on 3/18 because steam overlay was no longer working with 1.07. Upgrading to 1.08c fixed the issue until it stopped working last night.

Troubleshooting steps:

  1. Roll back to OSOL 1.07
  2. Ensure Steam and OSOL are run with admin privileges

From your assessment, it seems OSOL is working as intended. Any ideas why the steam overlay would hook correctly on my other games, but not Apex Legends?

I'm going to be honest. I have no idea. OSOL itself does not manage overlay hooks at all, in any way. It simply makes sure the launcher (which is typically a GPU process) is run first and given plenty of time for Steam to hook into it before launching the respective game.

Have you installed any other programs lately that could potentially cause issues with overlay hooks? Antivirus, anti-malware, VOIP overlays, RTSS/Afterburner overlay settings changes, changed GPUs (from Nvidia to AMD or vice versa) or anything like that?

You might also check to make sure Origin's Origin.exe has not accidentally been set to run with Admin privileges as that will cause problems for Steam when trying to hook its overlay due to UAC process isolation.

Ok, it started working properly after i disabled the Discord overlay. Not sure if that was 100% the cause, but at least it works now!

Thanks again for making this tool. Its people like you and these small passion projects that allow people to play their games on their hardware, the way they want to! Keep up the good work!