
Task list for 1.10

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  • Implement smarter launcher monitoring to better detect when updates are happening.
  • Reengineer OSOL to exist in a single location and execute 'profiles' (represented by .ini files) containing application launch data.
  • Implement a GUI that assists the user in setting up OSOL and managing this new profile system.
  • Implement a dialog overlay to inform the user of what OSOL is doing before a game is launched and after a game exits (and allow the user to forcefully quit OSOL).
  • Implement an auto-updater so the user doesn't need to redownload new versions from the project releases page manually.
  • Investigate implementing launching of XGP (wrapped UWP) games (Not possible without implementing a ViGEm overlay, ala GloSC)
  • Improve how OSOL handles Battle.net v2 launch paths
  • Fix issue #48 and improve how OSOL handles blank paths