
Bug when running some Epic games

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So I've encountered a bug when running some Epic games (FF7RI). When I boot up FF7, it informs me I need to run it from the Epic launcher. I've followed the tutorial on running Epic games to the letter (creating a shortcut, editing the ini, etc.) but it still happened.

After a lot of time and some trips to various Reddit subs, someone informed me of a workaround: Turn off the option in the epic launcher to boot on startup. That's it. I changed that and now it works perfectly fine.

Maybe this bug can be worked out, or at least the tip could be in the Readme?

I've added this tip to the EGL section on the wiki.

This doesn't sound like a bug, necessarily. By default, OSOL should attempt to close EGL before trying to launch your GamePath or LauncherURI unless CloseLauncher=False in the INI assuming LauncherPath is valid.