
Uplay not opening from Steam only with admin acess from the folder

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Thank you very much for this software. It is working great with the Epic Games Laucher but, I tried to start using with Ubisoft Play and I can't seem to open it from the Steam library. After checking the FAQ and issues page I didn't encounter anything related to this.
I can make it work if I open the OSOL from the Uplay folder with the admin acess but, I was looking to make this work on Steam stream to another PC, which would make this solution not valid. If anyone can help or just point in the right direction it would be great.

Thanks in advance

I'll see if I can try to find out what might be causing this issue. No promises though, since Uplay is notoriously finicky when it comes to launching through Steam in some situations.