
Add listed mentor to the website along with mentee feedback - Rasim

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Add the following mentors to the website
URL - https://womencodingcommunity.com/mentors

Mentor to be added

Rasim Sen

Reference: https://womenwhocode.github.io/london/mentors (helpful to get mentor details)

Long term mentee feedback

How satisfied are you with the sessions 5 (if we are going to display rating on the site)
Rasim was available anytime I had a concern via slack. We decided to build my app using scrum methodology and I was giving him the feedback every morning on slack. If I had some blockers or couldn’t solve an issue, he had guided me towards how to solve this or where I can find the answer.
Rasim was the best mentor I could have, his expertise and experience helped me think better and plan when building something, what to expect in a tech interview, what strategies to adopt when applying for jobs. Also, helped a lot with the CV. He was always available to chat on slack for any issues I had. I am very grateful for having him as my mentor!!!

Acceptance Criteria

Screenshot showing the mentors