
rtorrent -> tracker could not resolve hostname.

changemenemo opened this issue · 3 comments

My 80+ torrents can't contact trackers .
Did you compile the rtorrent with libcurl like suggested here : 603 issue of rtorrent ?

check also the version of curl : 535 issue of rtorrent

still no idea for this problem?

seems a bit less problematic than before, don't know if you have done nay changes or if it's the sublayer container bases that have changed the result by being updated.

I couldn't reproduce. It seems you may have issues with Docker DNS settings?
The container should just work fine and the version of libcurl should be okay. If you notice the 100% CPU bug, it's not due to libcurl itself : https://github.com/Wonderfall/dockerfiles/tree/master/rtorrent-flood#note