
Web search missing in latest release.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

In the latest release, not possible to perform with web search any more.


I believe this is still prevalent. Though it seems to come back too.

This is the sequence of events:

Log-in, web search is missing
Close tab, go to it on a new tab, and it's back.

If I log out, close tab, and then log back in, web search is missing again.

I believe this is still prevalent. Though it seems to come back too.

This is the sequence of events:

Log-in, web search is missing Close tab, go to it on a new tab, and it's back.

If I log out, close tab, and then log back in, web search is missing again.

@GOvEy1nw Fixed: https://github.com/WongSaang/chatgpt-ui/releases/tag/v2.4.6