
Cannot log in

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hi there, great app, and I am trying to use it. I am hosting it on my v-server with the linked voice2gpt.de domain and use the docker for the the installation. I can access the admin panel, but I cannot login as user. The registration function doesn't work as it requests an invitation code, but I don't understand where to find it. Also, if I add user manually from the admin panel, I still cannot log in, as it return an "Something went wrong. Please try again" error. Please help!

here is the docker-compose.yml config I used:
version: '3'
platform: linux/x86_64
image: wongsaang/chatgpt-ui-client:latest
- SERVER_DOMAIN=https://voice2gpt.de
- NUXT_PUBLIC_APP_NAME='ChatGPT UI' # The name of the application
- backend-web-server
- '${CLIENT_PORT:-80}:80'
- chatgpt_ui_network
restart: always
platform: linux/x86_64
image: wongsaang/chatgpt-ui-wsgi-server:latest
- APP_DOMAIN=voice2gpt.de:9000
- SERVER_WORKERS=3 # The number of worker processes for handling requests.
- WORKER_TIMEOUT=180 # Workers silent for more than this many seconds are killed and restarted. default 180s
- DB_URL=${DB_URL:-sqlite:///db.sqlite3} # If this parameter is not set, the built-in Sqlite will be used by default. It should be noted that if you do not connect to an external database, the data will be lost after the container is destroyed.
- DJANGO_SUPERUSER_USERNAME=admin # default superuser name
- DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD=password # default superuser password
- DJANGO_SUPERUSER_EMAIL=nick.harder.ai@gmail.com # default superuser email
- ACCOUNT_EMAIL_VERIFICATION=none # Determines the e-mail verification method during signup – choose one of "none", "optional", or "mandatory". Default is "optional". If you don't need to verify the email, you can set it to "none".
- '${WSGI_PORT:-8000}:8000'
- chatgpt_ui_network
restart: always
platform: linux/x86_64
image: wongsaang/chatgpt-ui-web-server:latest
- BACKEND_URL=http://backend-wsgi-server:8000
- '${SERVER_PORT:-9000}:80'
- backend-wsgi-server
- chatgpt_ui_network
restart: always

driver: bridge

Hello, I just tried your link and it is working for login.

You can log in directly with the admin account.

yes, it is working now, but I used you bash command you provided. When I build it myself it still doesn't work, and I would prefer it to be able to develop it further. Can you suggest what might be the difference between bash command and building the docker myself?

Please modify your docker-compose.yml

image: wongsaang/chatgpt-ui-client:latest
      - SERVER_DOMAIN=http://backend-web-server

Or if Your front-end and back-end containers are not on the same network.

image: wongsaang/chatgpt-ui-client:latest
      - SERVER_DOMAIN=https://voice2gpt.de:9000

thanks! I will try that. Loving the app sofar, thanks a lot for it! Another question, is there any documentation how the web search function works? would love to read about it. If it is not in English, it is fine, I will translate it

I'm sorry, there are currently no related documents available. I can provide a simple idea:

  1. The backend program will use the user's input to search on duckduckgo.com
  2. Extract the search results and generate prompt
  3. Send the prompt to ChatGPT

If you are interested, you can take a look at the source code in the server-side project https://github.com/WongSaang/chatgpt-ui-server .

@nick-harder I have the same issue too.
I used Quickly deploy script from the manual and I can see my frontend but my version of
http(s)://your.domain:9000/admin just give me 500 error with no explanation in docker logs.