
Cross Promotion with Marketing team.

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Suggested by Abha.

WordCamp Central Social media strategy.
The discussions around accounts which were not accessible
Sustainability and continuity / scheduling of the content for the official social media accounts
The need for using some of the aggregators and planning tools, and strategy
Increased working with larger WordCamps and ways to support the information from smaller camps
Making it clearer on the process to deal with potential issues and branding confusion (eg accounts suggesting they are the project)
Increase contributor event content, building on the work done already on this with and through WCEU
"It would be crucial any group includes / or is jointly run with the marketing team and learns from the experience of social media tasks and management its members working on this for the project.

We have also continued the efforts to help community recover access and report issues on social accounts, as well as setting up some monitoring of some brand accounts.

The Marketing Team has various promotion campaigns for different teams which have a high social media amplification component.

All of this would help us take this forward at a crucial time. From our monitoring, we are aware of the need to have more support and processes available to help those dealing with social media if posts are taken over by other issues or offensive material. We are also in the process of updatIng the Marcomms support document for WordCamps and Meetups.

We are preparing a post on all this and hope that we can continue our good partnerships With community on working on all of these things together. "

More details: https://make.wordpress.org/community/2017/11/16/proposal-wordcamp-central-twitter-strategy-and-tactics/
Trello: https://trello.com/c/1tzDsXxO/9-cross-promotion-with-marketing-team