
Materials for DEIB Training

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Collection task based on discussions here

As part of this, I'm looking into some great online resources that can provide professional, async, online training. Due to costs, I suspect that what we can provide will be limited. If and when I can get that confirmed, I will do a public post about it.

My hope is that we can provide this training first to contributors who provide guidance to large groups of other contributors (like Flagship lead organizers), people doing more sensitive work (like Incident Response), and people who are focused on DEIB work (like those moving the DEIB working group forward). Then, we can use this as a foundation to create some more WordPress-based DEIB training.

Automattic is adding 100 licenses to its Paradigm Reach account for WP community use. I've drafted a post about this here and will plan on posting it some time next week! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r1k4lwPpnbLAwSRopkRLYyMJWzxmDJIEJ73xkd4gpbA/edit?usp=sharing Edits, comments, suggestions welcome on that draft, thank you in advance.