
Add a code_of_conduct.md file to the repo.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

User Story or Initial Idea:
As a contributor to the #deib-working-group, I want a clear code of conduct in the repository so that I understand the community's standards and values.

Issue Summary:
The repository currently lacks a code_of_conduct.md file, which is essential to set the community's behavioral expectations.

Background & Context (The Why):
A code of conduct ensures that all contributors adhere to a set of guidelines that promote a respectful and inclusive environment. It provides a reference point for acceptable behavior and procedures for addressing any issues.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • A comprehensive code_of_conduct.md file is added to the repository.
  • The file outlines the community's behavioral expectations and procedures for reporting violations.

Proposed Steps or Tasks:

  1. Research and review existing code of conduct templates.
  2. Draft the code_of_conduct.md file tailored to the #deib-working-group.
  3. Review and get feedback from the team.
  4. Finalize and add the file to the repository.

Dependencies or Blockers:
None identified.

Additional Information:
Consider referencing the Contributor Covenant or other widely-accepted codes of conduct as a starting point.

Related Issues or Links:

Is there any reason why we wouldn't use the Community code of conduct just like the marketing team is using?

No objections to forking the community code of conduct file from the marketing team. It needs the adjustments for this working group and then be added to the repo. @lada7042