
[HelpHub] Post Excerpt block

Closed this issue · 14 comments

Article: https://wordpress.org/documentation/article/post-excerpt-block/

Update for 6.3

  • Post excerpt: Add excerpt length control 44964

Update for 6.2

  • add text alignment to the placeholder. 45003


  • Make sure all screenshots are relevant to the latest version
  • Make sure videos, if any, are up to date
  • Add ALT tags for the images
  • Make sure the headings are in sentence case
  • Convert all reusable blocks to a ‘regular block’.
  • Update the changelog at the end of the article


  1. We are not adding detailed updates for the Block settings - Typography, Color, Layout, Dimension and Border and for the More Options setting in the block toolbar. Pls mention the settings included for the block and link to the detailed settings pages instead.
zzap commented

Heads up @WordPress/docs-issues-coordinators, we have a new issue open. Time to use 'em labels.

Heads up @femkreations @atachibana - the "user documentation" label was applied to this issue.

Heads up @zzap @femkreations - the "block editor" label was applied to this issue.

Can I take this ticket?

Post Excerpt Block

  1. Updated the first screenshot of this page for post excerpt block and the gif for adding post excerpt block
  2. Confirmed all screenshots are relevant to the latest version 6.2.2
  3. Updated the images from the sections: More, More options, Block settings.
  4. Confirmed that all the headings are in sentence case
  5. Made sure each image has Alt text

I noticed there are some changes in the post excerpt block settings on the right sidebar and it now appears in two separate sections i.e settings and style. But I didn't update or change those screenshots as mentioned at the top.

I noticed text alignment is working correctly for the excerpt field. So I kept that unchanged.

Hi @femkreations @jennimckinnon
Can you please move this to needs 1st review list?

Hi @shabnam611 I've added a task for 6.3 and moved it to 6.3 project board. Can you pls make this update as well?

Hi @femkreations

Thank you. I will add the changes for 6.3 and will update you.

Hi @femkreations

I have added the changes for 6.3. Kindly set this for 1st review.

Created 2023-07-17

Added excerpt length control as described here 44964

Updated the headings for excerpt settings items i.e show link on new line and max number of words

Added caption for the image in block toolbar "more" option

Updated on 2023-07-22

Updated all the headings.

Updated on 2023-07-23

added new gif and screenshot for excerpt block and how to add excerpt block from template

added the new video for the transform to button on the block toolbar

Updated the block settings sidebar image to update to the latest version

Thanks @shabnam611 for the work. I'll review this and get back to you.

Thanks for working on these updates for 6.2 and 6.3 @shabnam611

Here are my comments:

  1. Pls update the screenshot under Rich text editing option in the block toolbar. The new one includes Footnote. Also, link to this page - https://wordpress.org/documentation/article/more-text-editing-overview/ for more details (Use the blue box (similar to the one in ore options) and remove the details for that section from the page.
  2. Update the More Options screenshot.

Thanks. Everything else looks great!

Once you are done, pls ping me.

Hi @femkreations

Thank you for your valuable suggestions. I have updated as you mentioned.

Awesome job! The page looks great. The article is scheduled to be published on Aug 8th.