
Localized lesson content is overwriting or being appended to English content

Opened this issue · 16 comments

We've seen two instances so far where translated/localized content has been interacting unexpectedly with English content, and we're not sure how it's happening.

1 - In today's instance, a German quiz was being displayed at this URL, instead of the original English quiz:


(The German version of the quiz has since been re-translated back into English, so you'll see English there now.)

The German quiz was intended to belong to this German lesson (note the de in the slug):


But somehow got connected to this English lesson:


Notes/potential clues

  • The English course to which the lesson belongs is published, while the German one is not.
  • The German quiz URL was missing a -de at the beginning of its URL – not sure if that is expected.
  • The German lesson is not assigned to any course.

2 - In an earlier case, a German version of the same lesson was being displayed in the list of lessons within an English course:

In that case, perhaps the lesson was accidentally assigned to the English course?

@devmuhib009 and @rfluethi – if you both have a chance to add any details you can remember about the steps you took around this particular lesson and quiz, that might be helpful in figuring out whether there is a Sensei issue that we need to look at. Thank you so much!

Hi @kathrynwp
I tried to fix the quiz issue. But somehow the english and german quiz are connected somehow. If I make changes on german quiz that has slug de-introduction-to-wordpress-2, but it also being displayed on english version. I did not find any settings from where I can unlink this from english course. If you can advice me how to unlink, this will be a great help. Thanks

@devmuhib009 Thanks for having a look at this.

But somehow the english and german quiz are connected somehow.

Right, that's the mystery – I don't know how that's possible, and so I don't know how to "unlink" them.

I think it would be very helpful if you or @rfluethi would please list out the exact steps you took to create this lesson and quiz. For example, was it a completely new lesson, or did the original get copied and then the translated text was input?

I opened the issue at https://github.com/orgs/WordPress/projects/104/views/1?filterQuery=locale%3AGerman&pane=issue&itemId=71919714. Unfortunately, I misunderstood and only used it for the translation of the "Introduction to WordPress" lesson. The translation was done in a Google Doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/14ihdMgbuqtOfB9Ayot5EjAr0jxxAEAtId80vk8mnEO0/edit#heading=h.20qitbpr5gk7 based on the transcript and quiz. After translating this lesson, it was reviewed by @BenjaminZekavica.

I was then informed that not just individual lessons but the entire learning path needs to be translated. Therefore, we decided to rename the issue and copy Ben's template (#2281) into the issue.

As a result, the issue got the wrong status "Preparing to Publish" instead of "Translation in Progress," where we should translate the remaining lessons. My suggestion was to delete the issue and open a new one to get the translation back into the correct process.

I haven't published or changed anything outside of GitHub and the Google Doc. Is there an action script in the background on GitHub that publishes something?

Unfortunately, I have been busy with work for the past four days and only noticed this morning that something went very wrong. I am incredibly sorry. I am not sure what I can do in the future to prevent such issues (besides reading the manual more carefully).

I would be very grateful for any advice, as I would like to continue contributing to the training team without causing such chaos.

@kathrynwp, I copied the english lesson. After that I just replaced English texts with German texts. When @jonathanbossenger created the issue that my translation replaced the english version, I removed the course name from the German translation and it's now acting as stand alone lesson. I mean this German lesson is not linked with any course. But quiz is still linked to english course.

Thanks, @devmuhib009 - when you say:

I removed the course name from the German translation

Could you possibly provide a screenshot showing exactly what you did here (where was this course name?) as it might provide a clue as to how the two languages got tied together.

Hi @kathrynwp, I think I found the problem. I make a short video for better understanding.

@kathrynwp let me know if you need me to try dive into the data to understand how lessons and quizzes are related at the data level, so we can understand better how and why this happens.

@jonathanbossenger I think that would be great if you could dive in and take a look, as I'm still not sure whether this is a Sensei bug or just something about the localization workflow that needs to be tweaked. Thank you!

Removing this from the redesign milestone as it doesn't relate to the new theme, and seems to be fundamentally a Sensei issue.

This bug was also reported back in February:


Alright, folks, I did some digging today, and this is a bug in Sensei related to duplicating lessons with quizzes.

I was able to replicate it today. I'm going to report it in the sensei repository.

@kathrynwp in the meantime, I think we need to ask all translators not to use the Duplicate feature when creating translated lessons, and rather create a new lesson, and use the Copy all Blocks feature of the block editor.

Following several reports of English lessons whose quizzes were overwritten with quizzes in other languages, those quizzes have been re-translated into English.

However – since the quizzes are still tied together with the English version of the lesson, the result is that some non-English lessons' quizzes are now in English, instead of the language that matches the lesson. I've spotted three:

https://learn.wordpress.org/lesson/de-introduction-to-wordpress-2/ - quiz should be in German

https://learn.wordpress.org/lesson/it-text-based-communication-in-open-source/ - quiz should be in Italian

https://learn.wordpress.org/lesson/it-best-practices-for-global-collaboration/ - quiz should be in Italian


in the meantime, I think we need to ask all translators not to use the Duplicate feature when creating translated lessons, and rather create a new lesson, and use the Copy all Blocks feature of the block editor.

Just to be sure, to fix this, do need to have these three lessons completely redone as new lessons (without using the Duplicate feature)?

cc @rfluethi @peiraisotta

We could consider disabling (ie. removing or hiding) the 'Duplicate' action links in the UI as a temporary mitigation.

@adamwoodnz If we can do that for now, it sounds like a good idea to me! cc @jonathanbossenger @westnz @bsanevans

That sounds like our safest option for now.