
WordPress Advanced Administration Handbook. This handbook will have the most technical, general, documentation about WordPress.

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WordPress Advanced Administration Handbook

This is the repository for the WordPress Advanced Administration Handbook a collaboration between the Hosting Team and the Documentation Team.

The WordPress Advanced Administration Handbook will be a new section in the "Hub" developer.wordpress.org where all the most technical documentation for users and developers will be moved, so the documentation will be simple, and this one will have code and be more complex.

Project information

The URL for this handbook is at https://developer.wordpress.org/advanced-administration/.


Style guide

External linking

Example domains

When using an example domain, please, use example.com, example.net, example.org, example.info, or example.biz (and whatever subdomain you want).

The country domains have their own example names, like dominio.es, that probably need check.

See RFC 2606, .INFO Reserved Strings, .BIZ Reserved Strings.

Example IP / IP network / IP range

When using IP addresses, please use:

  • TEST-NET-1: (–
  • TEST-NET-2: (–
  • TEST-NET-3: (–

See RFC 1166.