
Move Alex King quote to Chapter 2. Revise removed section for consistency

smckeown opened this issue · 0 comments

I've added a discussion in Chapter 2 about the flaws with b2's code and the discussion on the internet about how poor it was (from a pro dev perspective). It's interesting that seasoned developers complained about the code but its simplicity meant that people learning PHP (Matt, Ryan, Alex, etc etc) found it easy to work with. Experienced developers hated it, new developers loved it.

To avoid overlap, this paragraph now feels more relevant in Chapter 2:

It wasn't all bad, however. Michel's inexperience also meant that the code had a level of simplicity that made it easy for other developers to understand. Whereas a more experienced developer might write complex code, Michel often took the simplest route to solve a problem. "In a way it was beautiful because it was so simple," says developer Alex King, alexkingorg, "It wasn't elegant but it was very straightforward and very accessible. For someone who didn't have a lot of development experience coming in --- like me --- it was very comfortable understanding what was going on."