
Change Phylopic to @weekly

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Phylopic is scheduled to run @daily, but when we do have data, we typically upsert <10 images.


We should update the DAG so that it runs @weekly instead. This will involve changing the date logic, because I believe that it's set up to only do daily ranges (not weekly ones).


Leave as-is and just recognize that we're going to have unnecessarily high resolution on the Phylopic images.

Additional context

Related to WordPress/openverse#1642


  • 🙋 I would be interested in implementing this feature.

It's important to note that we're currently using the time range API endpoint with no ending time boundary. When we rework these steps, we should set up both the from and to dates so that reruns are deterministic.

I was also a bit thrown off by the documentation so I've made an issue for the wording: https://github.com/keesey/phylopic-api-docs/issues/16