Bug: Super Admins cannot setup Time Based One-Time Password as their first Two Factor option on WP VIP
spenserhale opened this issue · 0 comments
Describe the bug
Expected Behavior
GIVEN a multisite WordPress and a super_admin user without any two-factor options and wpcom_vip_is_two_factor_forced is true
WHEN the same super_admin logs in and submits an authentication code to setup two-factor time-based one-time password
THEN Two_Factor_Totp::rest_setup_totp is called to validate the code and return a success or invalid code response.
Actual Behavior
THEN the user always receives 'Sorry, you are not allowed to do that.' permission error
\wpcom_vip_two_factor_filter_caps() is not setting 'edit_user' capability because Two_Factor_Totp configuration is converting user_id argument to a float, so $user_id === $args[0] does not pass when it should.
Detailed Trace
An example where 2 === 2.0 fails. We can see JS Posted a "2", but REST Controller changed to (float) 2.0, but in capability checks, user_id is an int.
two-factor.php:194, wpcom_vip_two_factor_filter_caps()
$user_id = 2
$args = [
0 => (float) 2.0
capabilities.php:873, current_user_can()
$capability = 'edit_user'
$args = [
0 => (float) 2.0
class-two-factor-totp.php:94, Two_Factor_Totp->{closure:/wp/wp-content/mu-plugins/shared-plugins/two-factor/providers/class-two-factor-totp.php:93-95}
class-wp-rest-server.php:1018, WP_REST_Server->dispatch()
$request: WP_REST_Request {
"params" => [
"POST" => [
"user_id" => (float) 2.0,
"key" => "key-string",
"code" => "123"
$_POST = [
"user_id" => "2",
"key" => "key-string",
"code" => "123"
Stack Trace
two-factor.php:194, wpcom_vip_two_factor_filter_caps()
class-wp-hook.php:308, WP_Hook->apply_filters()
plugin.php:205, apply_filters()
capabilities.php:838, map_meta_cap()
class-wp-user.php:778, WP_User->has_cap()
capabilities.php:981, user_can()
capabilities.php:873, current_user_can()
class-two-factor-totp.php:94, Two_Factor_Totp->{closure:/wp/wp-content/mu-plugins/shared-plugins/two-factor/providers/class-two-factor-totp.php:93-95}()
class-wp-rest-server.php:1138, WP_REST_Server->respond_to_request()
class-wp-rest-server.php:1018, WP_REST_Server->dispatch()
class-wp-rest-server.php:442, WP_REST_Server->serve_request()
rest-api.php:410, rest_api_loaded()
class-wp-hook.php:308, WP_Hook->apply_filters()
class-wp-hook.php:332, WP_Hook->do_action()
plugin.php:565, do_action_ref_array()
class-wp.php:399, WP->parse_request()
class-wp.php:780, WP->main()
functions.php:1332, wp()
wp-blog-header.php:16, require()
index.php:17, {main}()
Similar to #557
Originally submitted to: Automattic/vip-go-mu-plugins#4409
Steps to Reproduce
Steps to Reproduce the Problem
- Setup a multisite and create a new user that is a super_admin
- Log in as the new super_admin and go to the edit profile page
- Submit an authentication code
Screenshots, screen recording, code snippet
No response
Environment information
No response
Please confirm that you have searched existing issues in this repository.
Please confirm that you have tested with all plugins deactivated except Two-Factor.