
Send Attendee Survey for 3 (Three) WordPress Events

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The Attendees Survey for new WordPress Events is automated and should be sent as soon as the event is completed. However, due to an issue, some events were affected and didn't receive the survey. The issue has been fixed, and we want to resend the Attendee Survey for 3 (three) events for reporting purposes:

  1. Women WordPress Day - March 8, 2024
  2. Switzerland Community Day - March 23, 2024
  3. WordPress in Education Technology Showcase - April 6, 2024

The Attendee Survey Report on WordCamp Central Dashboard:

Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 10 10 17

Just noted: Following the steps described here, running wc_attendee_survey_email doesn't change the post status in ticket->email from draft to pending. Perhaps it needs setting the end date to 2 days ago. A local testing is needed.

Yep. It needs to be exactly two days. Ref.

Hey @devinmaeztri 👋 I've sent out attendee surveys for the designated three events as requested, thanks for raising the issue.

And here's the record of the process for manually sending them: cc @pkevan

Since the code is set to send the survey exactly 2 days after an event ends, so it needs using the sandbox to adjust the setting to > 2 days (return gmdate('Y-m-d', $send_date) < current_time('Y-m-d', true)) to make the cron job be able to be manually triggered.

  1. After adjusting, check under the event site dashboard's tickets > email to see if there is a draft post with the title: [first_name], tell us what you thought: Post-event survey.
  2. In the sandbox's wordcamp/public_html directory, run wp cron event list --url={event site url}.
    • I have an alias for wp, otherwise, the general path is under the bin in wporg.
  3. You will see two jobs: wc_attendee_survey_email and tix_scheduled_every_ten_minutes.
  4. Run wp cron event run wc_attendee_survey_email --url={event site url}.
  5. If successful, you will see that the status of [first_name], tell us what you thought: Post-event survey changes to pending.
  6. Then execute wp cron event run tix_scheduled_every_ten_minutes --url={event site url}.
  7. The post status will change to published, indicating the email has been sent. Can also check the total sent counts at https://central.wordcamp.org/wp-admin/admin.php?page=attendee_survey.
  8. To this, all processes are completed. Then we just wait for two weeks, and the cron job wc_attendee_disable_survey will automatically run to close the survey and stop it from being filled out. This does NOT require manual execution from us.

Reference PR: #997

Thank you, Ren!