
Support forums redesign: Icons in table header not aligned

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi @ndiego , I think the redesign is great. However, I have noticed that the icons in the table headers are not centered in relation to the underlying content. I have a suggestion how to solve this within the CSS.




  1. Change this from
.bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-topic-reply-count {
	overflow: hidden;

to this

.bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-topic-reply-count {
	font-size: 0;
	color: transparent;
  1. Replace this line margin-right: 100px;

    with this
    color: var(--wp--preset--color--charcoal-1);

  2. Remove this margin-left: 20px;

Thanks for logging this @dionysous! Looks like @adamwoodnz is on it.

Thanks for raising! The design actually replaces the icons with text, and we have an issue for that.