
Python and Django utilities shared between different openwisp modules

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


https://travis-ci.org/openwisp/openwisp-utils.svg?branch=master Requirements Status

Python and Django utilities shared between different OpenWISP modules.

Current features

  • Customized admin theme for OpenWISP modules
  • TimeStamped models and mixins which add self-updating created and modified fields.
  • UUIDModel: base model with a UUID4 primary key
  • DependencyLoader: template loader which looks in the templates dir of all django-apps listed in EXTENDED_APPS
  • DependencyFinder: finds static files of django-apps listed in EXTENDED_APPS
  • QA: logic and utilities to perform quality assurance checks across different modules

Project goals

  • Minimize code duplication among OpenWISP modules

Install stable version from pypi

Install from pypi:

pip install openwisp-utils
# install optional dependencies for tests (flake8 and isort)
pip install openwisp-utils[qa]

Install development version

Install tarball:

pip install https://github.com/openwisp/openwisp-utils/tarball/master

Alternatively you can install via pip using git:

pip install -e git+git://github.com/openwisp/openwisp-utils#egg=openwisp-utils

If you want to contribute, install your cloned fork:

git clone git@github.com:<your_fork>/openwisp-utils.git
cd openwisp-utils
python setup.py develop

Using the utilities in OpenWISP modules

INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py should look like the following if you want to use the OpenWISP admin-theme:

    # customized admin theme
    # all-auth
    # openwisp2 modules
    # admin

Using the admin_theme

For using the customized admin theme,

  • Make sure you've added openwisp_utils.admin_theme to INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py
  • Add the following into your urls.py file which contains admin urls.
from django.conf.urls import include, url

from openwisp_utils.admin_theme.admin import admin, openwisp_admin


urlpatterns = [
    # other url patterns
    url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),

Admin mixins

  • TimeReadonlyAdminMixin: Admin mixin which adds two readonly fields created and modified. This is an admin mixin for models inheriting TimeStampedEditableModel which adds the fields created and modified to the database.

Using DependencyLoader and DependencyFinder

Add the list of all packages extended to EXTENDED_APPS in settings.py. If you've extended django_netjsonconfig and django_x509:

EXTENDED_APPS = ['django_netjsonconfig', 'django_x509']


Add openwisp_utils.staticfiles.DependencyFinder to STATICFILES_FINDERS in settings.py.



Add openwisp_utils.staticfiles.DependencyFinder to template loaders in settings.py as shown below.

        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'DIRS': [],
        'OPTIONS': {
            'loaders': [
            'context_processors': [

Main navigation menu

Add openwisp_utils.admin_theme.context_processor.menu_items to template context_processors in settings.py as shown below.

        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'DIRS': [],
        'OPTIONS': {
            'loaders': [
            'context_processors': [



default: OpenWISP Admin

Title value used in the <title> HTML tag of the admin site.


default: OpenWISP

Heading text used in the main <h1> HTML tag (the logo) of the admin site.


default: Network administration

Title shown to users in the index page of the admin site.


default: []

Allows to pass a custom list of menu items to display in the admin menu.

If passed, overrides the default menu which is built by different openwisp modules.

The list should not include "home", "change password" and "log out", because those are automatically added and cannot be removed.

Example usage:

    {'model': 'config.Device'},
    {'model': 'config.Template'},
    {'model': 'openwisp_users.User'},
        'model': 'openwisp_radius.Accounting',
        'label': 'Radius sessions'  # custom label

Quality Assurance checks

This package contains some common QA checks that are used the automated builds of different OpenWISP modules.


Ensures the latest migrations created have a human readable name.

We want to avoid having many migrations named like 0003_auto_20150410_3242.py.

This way we can reconstruct the evolution of our database schemas faster, with less efforts and hence less costs.

Usage example:

checkmigrations --migration-path ./django_freeradius/migrations/


Ensures the last commit message follows our commit message style guidelines.

We want to keep the commit log readable, consistent and easy to scan in order to make it easy to analyze the history of our modules, which is also a very important activity when performing maintenance.

Usage example:

checkcommit --message "$(git log --format=%B -n 1)"

Installing for development

Install sqlite:

sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev

Install your forked repo:

git clone git://github.com/<your_fork>/openwisp-utils
cd openwisp-utils/
python setup.py develop

Install test requirements:

pip install -r requirements-test.txt

Create database:

cd tests/
./manage.py migrate
./manage.py createsuperuser

You can access the admin interface of the test project at

Run tests with:



  1. Announce your intentions in the OpenWISP Mailing List and open relavant issues using the issue tracker
  2. Fork this repo and install the project following the instructions
  3. Follow PEP8, Style Guide for Python Code
  4. Write code and corresponding tests
  5. Ensure that all tests pass and the test coverage does not decrease
  6. Document your changes
  7. Send a pull request






See OpenWISP Support Channels.