
CybermetriQ Digital Network - Works On Arm Sponsored

Closed this issue · 3 comments

As I am sure there's very few people who read the issues on this project, let's have fun with this!

Name, email, company, job title

Name: Numair Faraz
GitHub: @numair
Company: CybermetriQ GK (Japan)
Job Title: Manager, Senior Engineer

Name: Long Nguyen
GitHub: @long
Company: CybermetriQ GK via Rayburst LLC (United States)
Job Title: Senior Engineer

Project Title and description

CybermetriQ Digital Network
Description: We are looking to provide a free IPv6-networked virtual server to a large number of people, particularly students, as a digital skills development and assessment tool. We have been developing technology to analyze users' activity on virtual servers and other computational resources as a means for assessing digital skills. This is far more fair, realistic and effective than "hackathons," leetcode whiteboarding, and other common tools used in recruitment and education. By turning general computing infrastructure into a global utility, we will help the next generation take ownership over the digital infrastructure that runs their lives. We are able to profitably subsidize this infrastructure at scale by utilizing our assessment scores as the key metric used to power a recruitment business. The smarter and better our clients become, the more valuable they are in the workplace -- and thus, the more money we make. It's a business model in which our interests, and those of society, are perfectly aligned.

Describe your use case for these machines

Our goal is to provide the most performance-per-watt and performance-per-dollar we possibly can, as this helps us get general computing into the hands of as many people as possible, as quickly as possible. For this reason alone, it seemed obvious to use ARM as the basis of our stack. Right now we're looking to deploy a single-server test environment to determine the feasability of using ARM-based servers in a VPS hosting environment. If this test goes well, we'd like to deploy an ARM server stack on a very large-scale, global basis.

Which members of the community would benefit from your work?

We will all benefit from a world in which the skills and infrastructure used to create digital systems are known and available on a much broader basis. The specific initiative to build using ARM would directly benefit ARM, as it will ensure that millions of new developers begin their journey using ARM toolchains. We will be actively encouraging our users to try to find exploits that break our environment and allow them to hack into each others' boxes, so this might also be a great way to help the ARM community discover new vulnerabilities.

Is the code that you’re going to run 100% open source?

We're super-interested in Xen on ARM, so it is likely that some or all of the software we use for VPS orchestration and management will be open source. There are specific pieces relating to our assessment systems and user management that won't be open source, but there would be IP issues and other problems regardless of the license used for that code.

Does this project require ARMv8.2 (Yes/No/Not Sure)? If Yes, please provide details

We're not sure.

What infrastructure (computing resources and network access) do you need?

We need a server and any advice the team might have for deploying a VPS hosting environment on top of ARM.

Describe / Name the continuous integration (CI) system for this project.

The CI environment of choice for this project remains TBD.

Does the project allows the use of your project logo on ARM's developer website freely? Yes / No / Not Sure


Please state your contributions to the open source community and any other relevant initiatives.

About me: I've done a lot of random stuff. Within the context of developers and software platforms, here's a random assortment: I was one of the first houseguests at the now-mythical Hacker Dojo, where I became friends with a messy college student named Dan Kaminsky, with whom I worked on secure hardware infrastructure in the late 2000s (in Taiwan, where all the magic happens). I advised one of the co-founders of Facebook until I realized he / they were evil. I convinced Dave Morin to leave Apple to work at Facebook on an idea for a "social platform," which became the Facebook Platform, which changed the whole game and neutered Rupert Murdoch's MySpace. (It was also, like, the best developer platform ever until Chamath stole Dave's job and ruined it to benefit himself.) I later worked as an advisor to the CEO of Research in Motion, where I developed a strategy for turning BlackBerry Messenger into a standalone global messaging platform (run by former Facebook executives I'd assembled in a mini-coup). After the CEO failed to recognize that software was more valuable than hardware and Facebook turned the 2010s into a Decade of Darkness, I spent a long time experimenting and thinking about business models that could help people feel good about technology again. And here we are.

Thanks for your interest in Works On Arm program. We are reviewing your request and will get back soon.

Hi @pgmwoa -- Just checking in to see if there's a chance for progress before the week ends. Thanks!

We prioritize projects on WoA infrastructure based on certain criteria. As per the description provided, the use case does not meet the requirements to gain access to Arm systems via Works on Arm. Hence, we would not be able to support the project. Closing the ticket.