
Getting error: If you wish to make changes to it, then you will have to pass the --allow-live flag

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'm getting the following error when deploying the theme to shoplift store:

If you wish to make changes to it, then you will have to pass the --allow-live flag

We're using themekit for some of the behind the scenes connections with Shopify. By default, you cannot use themekit's watch or deploy commands on the live theme. This is to prevent people from messing up the live theme and to encourage the use of development themes.

The error messages is a little misleading since we're not using the themekit CLI, we're using the integrated node package. So passing --allow-live doesn't actually have any impact.

I'll look further into this when I get a chance.

Have any workaround this?

Yes this is fixed in this commit b7c8eeb