
Got a weird count bug

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I always leave a Scratch Notifier tab open and pinned. Idk why, maybe because of cached numbers adding up or something, I got a notification saying "83 unread messages", and the Scratch Notifier showed up 83 on it. When going on Scratch though I had zero messages.

Ok, now it says I have 13 messages, but I still have none. wtf is that

After, It falled down at zero again, then at 13, then at 77

Then back at 0. ❓

It looks like it's from the API.
Capture d’écran 2019-07-03 à 18 19 23

Thanks for reporting this issue, we'll look at the issue. Hopefully it's in our end and not Scratch's.

Hopefully it's in our end and not Scratch's.

It's on Scratch's, it doesn't stop marking random old messages as unread and therefore causes this.

Seems fixed.