
Catalina: Install not working - csrutil issue

Opened this issue · 14 comments

It seems like "csrutil enable --without kext" is not enough in Catalina to install the driver. Disable SIP completely doesn't work either.

Installer is not able to write in /Extensions:

rm: /System/Library/Extensions/EMUUSBAudio.kext: No such file or directory
cp: /System/Library/Extensions/EMUUSBAudio.kext: Read-only file system
cp: EMUUSBAudio.kext: unable to copy extended attributes to /System/Library/Extensions/EMUUSBAudio.kext: Read-only file system
cp: /System/Library/Extensions/EMUUSBAudio.kext/Contents: No such file or directory
cp: EMUUSBAudio.kext/Contents: unable to copy extended attributes to /System/Library/Extensions/EMUUSBAudio.kext/Contents: No such file or directory
cp: /System/Library/Extensions/EMUUSBAudio.kext/Contents/MacOS: No such file or directory
cp: EMUUSBAudio.kext/Contents/MacOS: unable to copy extended attributes to /System/Library/Extensions/EMUUSBAudio.kext/Contents/MacOS: No such file or directory
cp: /System/Library/Extensions/EMUUSBAudio.kext/Contents/MacOS/EMUUSBAudio: No such file or directory
cp: /System/Library/Extensions/EMUUSBAudio.kext/Contents/Resources: No such file or directory
cp: EMUUSBAudio.kext/Contents/Resources: unable to copy extended attributes to /System/Library/Extensions/EMUUSBAudio.kext/Contents/Resources: No such file or directory
cp: /System/Library/Extensions/EMUUSBAudio.kext/Contents/Resources/en.lproj: No such file or directory
cp: EMUUSBAudio.kext/Contents/Resources/en.lproj: unable to copy extended attributes to /System/Library/Extensions/EMUUSBAudio.kext/Contents/Resources/en.lproj: No such file or directory
cp: /System/Library/Extensions/EMUUSBAudio.kext/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings: No such file or directory
cp: /System/Library/Extensions/EMUUSBAudio.kext/Contents/Info.plist: No such file or directory
chgrp: EMUUSBAudio.kext: No such file or directory
/System/Library/Extensions/EMUUSBAudio.kext failed to load - (libkern/kext) not found; check the system/kernel logs for errors or try kextutil(8).

@dyemyhair It seems you do not have permissions to write in the /System/Library directory.

I think you need to manage some permissions but can't help you with the details

Here is some more info


That website's information aren't contributing to any progress but I'm working on it.

Edit: Okay, I simply can't get System to be writeable. Is that a change since Catalina only? I'm too frustrated now to continue. If anyone has some hints, I'll be glad.

Does your account have admin rights ? You need to install it from an account that has permissions to write there (after entering your pass of course).


Does your account have admin rights ? You need to install it from an account that has permissions to write there (after entering your pass of course).


Catalina runs on a separate read-only volume:
"With macOS Catalina, you can no longer store files or data in the read-only system volume, nor can you write to the "root" directory ( / ) from the command line, such as with Terminal."
Source: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT210650

So, it seems like being admin is not enough to gain writing permission on this volume. I can't figure out what to do yet but I believe this issue is connected to this change.

It already was like that, you can write there only after disabling SIP.
so it seems like SIP still enabled, or something changed.

From what I read there I will not be able to even try Catalina as they suggest there can be only one Catalina installe, on a partition that Apple determines.

@dyemyhair I have question, I understand fromn that page that Catalina is on a separate partition

Can you do ls / ? Is there a System folder still there?

Finally! Yes! I got it! Thank you for your support!
I'm not sure all of those following steps are necessary but that's what I've done:

  • disable SIP completely in secure mode: csrutil disable
  • under "System Preferences > Security and Privacy > Privacy" grant full disk access to terminal and the driver installer
  • perform in terminal:
    sudo mount -uw /
    sudo killall Finder
  • run installer

I believe the last two commands in terminal did the job.

PS: ls / is not listing a System folder.

@dyemyhair thanks for the update. Great to hear you got it working.

Looks like I need to write some additional explanations.

Do you really need the full csrutil disable or would only disabling kext be enough?
Why do you need to kill the Finder?

That's the point, I don't know what steps are crucial.

I believe of all these steps only csrutil disable --without kext , sudo mount -uw / and sudo killall Finder should be enough.

Killing the Finder makes it restart to load the changes.

I might deinstall and reinstall tomorrow to verify this if needed?


Killing the Finder makes it restart to load the changes.
But you don't need the finder for the install?

Yes, but it relaunches instantly.

I Added the extra install instructions on the installation page.

For now I did not add the csrutil disable and the killall Finder as these seem unnecessary and make the machine needlessly less secure

I Added the extra install instructions on the installation page.

For now I did not add the csrutil disable and the killall Finder as these seem unnecessary and make the machine needlessly less secure

I think that's a good decision for now. Thank you for your time:)

@dyemyhair And thanks for reporting this issue and detailing on the fix :-)