
Property to control Zoom In/Out the Network View.

sabapathygithub opened this issue · 5 comments


First of all. Big thanks for this great library.

I have scenario here where we need provide an option to zoom in/out the Network View using button instead of mouse. Is there any property available to control it?


@Wouterdek : Thanks for adding this request as enhancement.

Is there any suggestion or workaround to achieve this functionality with current version?


Zoom is controlled by the DragCanvas in NetworkView, which currently doesn't support setting zoom levels programmatically.

I'll be working on the library at the end of this month or the beginning of september, I'll look into it then.

@Wouterdek : Great. Many thanks for your prompt reply.

Next version will have a ZoomFactor property on the NetworkViewModel.

@Wouterdek : Thank you.