
DC upon applying a gem

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Describe the bug
Whenever you apply any type of a gem to a item you get disconnected. (Gem still gets applied.)

Game Server
Stormforge TBC

Hermes Proxy Version
Brotalnia's version of hermesproxy.

20:32:04 | Error | WorldClient | Packet Read Error: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. (Parameter '0x00000500')
at HermesProxy.World.HighGuidLegacy..ctor(HighGuidTypeLegacy high)
at HermesProxy.World.WowGuid64..ctor(UInt64 id)
at HermesProxy.World.WorldPacket.ReadPackedGuid()
at HermesProxy.World.Client.WorldClient.HandleEnchantmentLog(WorldPacket packet)
at HermesProxy.World.Client.WorldClient.HandlePacket(WorldPacket packet)
at HermesProxy.World.Client.WorldClient.ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult AR)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
at HermesProxy.World.Client.WorldClient.ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult AR)