
Error | AuthClient C P<S | Socket Closed By Server

Opened this issue · 1 comments

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Describe the bug
I can't log into a custom game server at all. don't know why. this comes up on the log. I can go in, select the realm, but when I double click to connect, it disconnects me. Password and username is correct.

Game Server
the server is on 1.12.1 - Vanilla Plus.

Hermes Proxy Version
Hermes Proxy Version 3.7
Example Version
If you compiled it manually tell us the git hash.

16:39:24 | Server | Server | Starting BnetTcpSession service on
16:39:24 | Network | NetworkThread | Network Thread Starting
16:39:24 | Server | Server | Starting BnetRestApiSession service on
16:39:24 | Network | NetworkThread | Network Thread Starting
16:39:24 | Server | Server | Starting RealmSocket service on
16:39:24 | Network | NetworkThread | Network Thread Starting
16:39:25 | Server | Server | Starting WorldSocket service on
16:39:25 | Network | NetworkThread | Network Thread Starting
16:39:38 | Server | BnetTcpSession | Accepting connection from
16:39:42 | Network | AuthClient | C P>S | Connecting to auth server... (realmlist addr: logon.xxxxxxorg:xxxxx) (resolved as: xxxxxx)
16:39:42 | Network | AuthClient | Authentication succeeded!
16:39:42 | Server | AuthClient | Requesting RealmList update for xxxxxx
16:39:42 | Network | AuthClient | Received 1 realms.
16:39:42 | Server | RealmManager | Added realm "Hogger" at xxxxxxx
16:39:42 | Error | WorldSocket | WorldSocket.HandleAuthSession: Authentication failed for account: 1 ('xxxxxxx') address:
16:39:42 | Error | AuthClient | C P<S | Socket Closed By Server

Are you using the static auth seed option in the launcher? Without it you will need to set the real auth seed for the client build in the config.