
Should add Carthage

baonguyena1 opened this issue · 8 comments

I can't find carthage install, so please add it on carthage

Hello @baonguyena1 ,
I just back to work :) I will add it to Carthage ASAP.

I'm looking for a Stomp Client for iOS to use this with my java spring server and this library seems to be perfect. Hopping for coming carthage support soon, to use this library in my project

Hello @Tobisaninfo,
I will support the Carthage in this week, hopefully in some days :) I will notify you when it is done.

Hello @baonguyena1 and @Tobisaninfo I have tested the Carthage support and it works for me :) Can you please test it and give me a feedback for it. I've closed the issue, if somethings wrong with you please re-open it.
Have fun :)

After having some troubleshoots with SocketRocket it worked great for me. Maybe you add this needed dependency to your readme. In addition I couldn't build SocketRocket using carthage, but this is not your business. Thanks for helping me.

Hello @Tobisaninfo ,
I've also added this on ReadME :) Love to hear that it works for you.
Have fun.

After having some troubleshoots with SocketRocket it worked great for me. Maybe you add this needed dependency to your readme. In addition I couldn't build SocketRocket using carthage, but this is not your business. Thanks for helping me.

I can't get SocketRocket to work too. Can you show me the instruction? Latest version of SocketRocket can't be build using Carthage, and if I use "master" version, it can build but throws error on runtime

Incompatible library version: StompClientLib requires version 1.0.0 or later, but SocketRocket provides version 0.0.0

Hello @kientux,
Unfortunately, I could not do anything for SocketRocket. Maybe @Tobisaninfo will help you how to solve it with his way.