
whenever run npx react-native run-android show error in mainActivity

thtRajasthaniGuy opened this issue · 7 comments

                 Error: AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator\emulator\platform-tools\adb shell am start -n 
                          at makeError (E:\Project\React-native\react-native-typescript-boilerplate\node_modules\execa\index.js:174:9)

I have to open the app manually.

and it's crashing in android version 13.

Hello @govind1530
Thank you so much for reporting this.

How can I reproduce this issue? It works on my emulator and physical devices. Did you finish the Step by Step Guide

@WrathChaos yes I follow the all steps.

whenever run the command its through error , after the open app manually its work fine .
I using latest android studio , that might be problem?

It shouldn't be. Let me try to test it.

Have you tried to run it with command instead of Android Studio?

@WrathChaos yes I always use command for run the app.

Hello @th1copycatninja
Sorry was an extremely busy days.

I'm going to resolve this issue today :)

Hello @th1copycatninja

Extremely sorry but I finally managed to spare some time on it. It is fixed on the latest commit. Please take a look at it :)