
Group Discussion Suggestions

Closed this issue · 4 comments

  • Better description of what it does
  • Link to source website / brief explanation of what mechanic/categories is
  • Making tabs more obvious
  • Change up bar chart type - make obvious that user can select year ranges
  • Highlight user selection areas to be easily found
RyKoe commented

Firas comments:

  • First tab has a lot of white space on the right hand side (something about being able to center everything in a container)
  • Maybe put first to graph side by side (I'm not sure how I feel about that)
  • Dropdown can be changed to have sub categories which sorts them into how dense the data is.
  • Bottom graphs first page could have their axis swapped

Others commets:

  • Confused by the comparison graphs on the bottom
  • 2nd half of 1st wasn't immediately clear, i.e. it took a second to realize you were comparing the same things over different year range. The explanation exists to the left already, but maybe make the compare the top 5 categories, mechanics and publishers between time periods. bit bolder or a title
  • explain user rating

Firas presentation feedback:

  • Increase height of the middle pane so there are no drop downs
  • I have mixed feelings about the datatable and whether it adds value or not ; definitely a cool feature though!
  • Agree with some user instructions, perhaps some questions/sign posts to guide the user
  • I’d suggest adding some headings/categories
  • Milton Bradley vs FF games colours are too similar; maybe a faceted plot would be better here as so many points overlap? Or at the very least specify a different colour scheme
  • I would strongly suggest flipping your X and Y axes so that the text is more easily readable on the Y-axis (!!)
  • I’d suggest a violin plot showing the distribution of ratings for each game instead of an average score. I suppose this depends on what your Research question is

General comments from class:

  • fonts for the labels are a bit small and hard to see
  • Consider turning the bar chart sideways so the labels are easier to read (y axis) and so the x axis is the rating
  • Table of values was a bit overwhelming and wasn't nicely formatted
  • A lot of white space on the dashboard

Group comments merged into #34 and #35.