
Invalid encoding of Rhino JavaScript files

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Rhino is using bad JavaScript file encoding (ISO-8859-1 instead of UTF-8) when running on Java 11 (openjdk 11.0.15+) or newer. These Java versions contain new content type text/javascript for JavaScript files (files with .js extension). This content type was added into JDK in JDK-8273655.

Current implementation of Rhino is using ISO-8859-1 file encoding when content type starts with text/ (see UrlModuleSourceProvider.java#L172). There is created an official issue in Rhino GitHub #1232.

As a workaround you can remove entry text/javascript from file content-types.properties and pass it to the Java through environment variable content.types.user.table.

How to reproduce the problem

$ cat test.js 
$ grep text/javascript content-types.properties | wc -l
$ java -jar wrenidm/bundle/rhino-1.7.10.jar -require test.js
$ java -Dcontent.types.user.table=content-types.properties -jar wrenidm/bundle/rhino-1.7.10.jar -require test.js

Issue has been resolved through workaround merged in #141.