
Add proxy support

Opened this issue · 1 comments

For the people who can't connect directly to the network...

Links to save some clicks:



//@description Adds a proxy server for network requests. Can be called before authorization @server Proxy server IP address @port Proxy server port @enable True, if the proxy needs to be enabled @type Proxy type
addProxy server:string port:int32 enable:Bool type:ProxyType = Proxy;

//@description Edits an existing proxy server for network requests. Can be called before authorization @proxy_id Proxy identifier @server Proxy server IP address @port Proxy server port @enable True, if the proxy needs to be enabled @type Proxy type
editProxy proxy_id:int32 server:string port:int32 enable:Bool type:ProxyType = Proxy;

//@description Enables a proxy. Only one proxy can be enabled at a time. Can be called before authorization @proxy_id Proxy identifier
enableProxy proxy_id:int32 = Ok;

//@description Disables the currently enabled proxy. Can be called before authorization
disableProxy = Ok;

//@description Removes a proxy server. Can be called before authorization @proxy_id Proxy identifier
removeProxy proxy_id:int32 = Ok;

//@description Returns list of proxies that are currently set up. Can be called before authorization
getProxies = Proxies;

//@description Returns an HTTPS link, which can be used to add a proxy. Available only for SOCKS5 and MTProto proxies. Can be called before authorization @proxy_id Proxy identifier
getProxyLink proxy_id:int32 = HttpUrl;

//@description Computes time needed to receive a response from a Telegram server through a proxy. Can be called before authorization @proxy_id Proxy identifier. Use 0 to ping a Telegram server without a proxy
pingProxy proxy_id:int32 = Seconds;

//@description Sends a simple network request to the Telegram servers via proxy; for testing only. Can be called before authorization @server Proxy server IP address @port Proxy server port @type Proxy type
//@dc_id Identifier of a datacenter, with which to test connection @timeout The maximum overall timeout for the request
testProxy server:string port:int32 type:ProxyType dc_id:int32 timeout:double = Ok;

I think chats of the following ChatSource type may even be ignored (opt-out):

//@description The chat is sponsored by the user's MTProxy server
chatSourceMtprotoProxy = ChatSource;