
Videos that hang make fernschreiber hang

Opened this issue · 3 comments

When you have a video in the chat you have two options: Play it in there or play it on a new page (tap the square icon). If you go to a new page and the video doesn't load going back (swipe LtoR) makes Fern hang and give you the wait or close message.

I think i saw this issue (similar) with another app so it might be a general issue with how the videos are handled. But lets have it here also.

Yes, I have the same issue in Piepmatz. Couldn't find a fix so far - it's also hard to reproduce. Sometimes happens, in many cases it simply works properly. When it occurred while I had the debugger on I remember that something in the video drivers/Android adaption. If somebody has a hint, please let me know!

Then i believe its something that must be reported to Jolla themselves. In the forum or another channel that the devs hang.