fixes to install on mac M1 from source
gdupret opened this issue · 2 comments
compiling from source on macos M1
I had to create a symlink in the build directory for installation from source to work:
ln -s lib.macosx-12-arm64-cpython-39 lib.macosx-12-arm64-3.9 otherwise I would get:
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/path_to_cloned_directory/tick/build/lib.macosx-12-arm64-3.9/tick/array/build/'
I also needed to set "export TICK_WERROR=0"
Hi I want to follow your solution, what I did was:
git clone --depth 1 --recursive -b master tick
cd tick
python3 bdist_wheel
--> got error here so I created the symlink as you mentioned, export TICK_WERROR=0, then I rerum this line and still got an error
any ideas? Thank you so much!
for OSX, we have the actions disabled atm while we assess somethings, but in future you should check that file like here
python build_ext --inplace