
Delete, access permissions and restoring issue

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Few issues I found so far:

  1. For some reason it haven't restored the file:
$ ./Frost --restore ./ex/ last  --remote ./test22/  --index index_path/ --keyid 12323
Restore: ./ex/ [1/10]                                                     
Restore: ./ex/Frost 97%:70.7KB/s (rem: 662.0ms) [2/10]            Can't restore the backup: Can not decompress data from multichunk: 02AFAC197B6A61287B434483E8DACF723D371432DA0E28969E569CE8C3F234A6.#
  1. It's not restoing the (chmod) access permissions.

  2. For some cases it's not restoring the filesystem as it was, for example I had added files in rev. 1, then I've deleted one file in rev. 2, then I've added another file in rev 3. When I'm restoring the rev. 2 it restores with deleted file.

Hope that can help to improve software.

  1. Do you still have the command line you've used to build the backup ?
  2. You must run as root for chmod to work (when restoring). Did it gives you a warning ?
  3. This is what I run:
$ mkdir abc
$ touch abc/firstFile.txt
$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=abc/secondFile.random bs=1024 count=234
234+0 records in
234+0 records out
239616 bytes transferred in 0.020204 secs (11859790 bytes/sec)
$ mkdir output
$ ./Frost --backup abc --remote output --keyvault ./testKey
Backup:  [1/3]
Backup: firstFile.txt [2/3]
Backup: secondFile.random [3/3]
Backup: Finished: abc/, (source size: 239616, backup size: 242356, 2 files, 1 directories) [2/2]
$ rm abc/firstFile.txt
$ ./Frost --backup abc --remote output --keyvault ./testKey
Backup:  [1/2]
Backup: secondFile.random [2/2]
Backup: Finished: abc/, (source size: 0, backup size: 0, 0 files, 1 directories) [0/0]
$ echo "Test" > abc/thirdFile.txt
$ ./Frost --backup abc --remote output --keyvault ./testKey
Backup:  [1/3]
Backup: secondFile.random [2/3]
Backup: thirdFile.txt [3/3]
Backup: Finished: abc/, (source size: 5, backup size: 41, 1 files, 1 directories) [1/1]
$ ls abc
secondFile.random   thirdFile.txt
$ ./Frost --list --index output
Revision 1 happened on Tue, 12 Nov 2013 16:29:20 GMT, linked 2 files and 1 directories, cumulative size 234.0KB (backup is 236.6KB, saved -1%)
Revision 2 happened on Tue, 12 Nov 2013 16:30:27 GMT, linked 0 files and 1 directories, cumulative size 0.0B (backup is 0.0B, saved 100%)
Revision 3 happened on Tue, 12 Nov 2013 16:31:11 GMT, linked 1 files and 1 directories, cumulative size 5.0B (backup is 41.0B, saved -720%)
$ mkdir abcRestore
$ ./Frost --restore abcRestore 2 --remote output --keyvault ./testKey

Is it what you did ?

For 3), I'm able to reproduce it, will commit a fix later today or tomorrow, and will add a test case.

Can you try the current master to check if it has fixed issue 3) ?
I've added a test case as described above, you can run "./Frost --test fs", or your own test

BTW, I'm not able to reproduce any permission lost issue (permission are restored, provided you have the right to update permissions).

I'll close this issue, as I think it's solved. If you don't think so, please feel free to reopen it.