
Bug: spaces in backup dir name

Closed this issue · 5 comments

./Frost --backup dir\ name --compression bsc --index index --remote remote --multichunk 10M

error: Bad argument for backup, the --backup parameter is not a folder

Ok, track it down, it's a bug about how I'm using system's wordexp function to expand the user-given parameters.
Actually, it splits the directory name in 2 because there is a space between it. I'll commit a patch later today.

I still get the error
./Frost --backup /path/to/dir\ name --compression bsc --index index --remote remote --multichunk 10M

error: Bad argument for backup, the --backup parameter is not a folder

Here's what I'm doing:

$ cd Frost
$ make clean
$ git pull
$ make -j 3 CONFIG=Debug
Built Frost version: 419
$ mkdir dir\ name
$ rm -r index
$ rm -r remote
$ rm ~/.frost/keys
$ mkdir dir\ name
$ ./Frost --backup /path/to/dir\ name --compression bsc --index index --remote remote --multichunk 10M

Backup: Finished: /path/to/Frost/dir name/, (source size: 0, backup size: 0, 0 files, 1 directories) [0/0]

It is really weird.
It failed with --backup /path/to/IE\ 552 but not on /path/to/abc\ 123or /path/to/BC\ 123
The dir name makes the difference.

Oh. My bad. I do not have IE\ 552 right now.
It works.