
Incogix is a network scanner that can be adapted into almost a Shodan clone. Still a work in progress, theme looks kind of skidish.

Primary LanguagePython


You ever want your own personal Shodan?

BAM! - Incogix is an IoT scanner written in Python3 and PHP.

You may need to apt-get, yum, dnf, etc.. the packages below:

xsltproc, cowsay, fortune, python3, php5/7+, nmap


Edit the IOT_Scanner.py globals to fit your needs.

Drag and drop the repo into your www/html folder. Open a terminal and run the IOT_Scanner.py. Done! Start apache and navigate to localhost.

Info/To Be Added.

Still working on it, however it works. Theme will be adjusted.

  1. Will be adding recent searches and basic history using browser cookies.
  2. Adding a method of staring hosts.
  3. Adding the ability to click a button for re-scan of host. - Done
  4. Adding "realtime scanning". If the search result is not available; IP will be queued for scanning.
  5. Adding additonal information regarding host instead of using nmap -> html parsing. Ex: root folder of / with nmap, golismero, dnsrecon, amass, nikto, and arachni scans parsed into a single webpage. This would allow for subdomain enumeration, CVEs vuln, SSL issues, Possible admin pages, Banners, etc... (This would come with little quirks such as RDP screenshots and host -> enumeration/network traversal via web gui.

Alt text Alt text

If you come across any errors try the following

if you're getting the error FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: b'liblibc.a'

Try: cd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ln -s -f libc.a liblibc.a or sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libc.a /usr/lib/liblibc.a