
ActiveMQ-RCE file does not exist in repo

Closed this issue · 1 comments

on repo, I see "./ActiveMQ-RCE -i -u" parameters for running the poc code but when I tried to it, it does not work. Because I see you use go lang. So how can I use it? ActiveMQ-RCE file does not exist in your repo location so, it doesn't work. Also when I try to run go file, I had this results ("tmp/go-build2874341474/b001/exe/main" doesn't exist on directory of tmp file location, also):

└─$ sudo go run main.go
_ _ _ __ __ ___ ____ ____ _____
/ \ | |() | / |/ _ \ | _ \ / | ____|
/ _ \ / | | \ \ / / _ \ |/| | | | |
| |
) | | | _|
/ ___ \ (
| || |\ V / __/ | | | || |
| _ <| || |_
// ____|_|| _/ ___|| ||__\ || _\___|_____|

Usage of /tmp/go-build2874341474/b001/exe/main:
-i string
ActiveMQ Server IP or Host
-p string
ActiveMQ Server Port (default "8161")
-u string
Spring XML Url

X1r0z commented
  1. You need to know the difference between go run and go build.
    By the way, you don't have to stick to whether the filename is ActiveMQ-RCE. Both go build and go run have the same effect when running this poc.
  2. I have provided some detailed analysis reports in README.md. Maybe you can read these reports first.
  3. To exploit successfully, you need to serve poc.xml file with a http server, and then specify the parameter -u to the path of this file in your http server. (e.g.