OEM Kill is not stopping my CTH-480 Wacom drivers
Closed this issue · 5 comments
NotKenZ commented
it just does not.
joshuah345 commented
same here, cth-680
Relevant console output:
[Device:Warning] Failed to set tablet feature: 02-02
[Detect:Info] Found tablet 'Wacom CTH-680'
[Detect:Info] Found tablet 'Wacom CTH-680'
[Settings:Info] Output mode: Absolute Mode
[Settings:Info] Display area: [1920x1080@<960, 1058>:0°],
[Settings:Info] Tablet area: [216x135@<108, 67.5>:0°],
[Settings:Info] Clipping: Enabled
[Settings:Info] Ignoring reports outside area: Disabled
[Settings:Info] Tip Binding: []@1%
[Settings:Info] Pen Bindings: [0, ], [1, ]
[Settings:Info] Express Key Bindings: [0, ], [1, ], [2, ], [3, ], [4, ], [5, ], [6, ], [7, ]
[Settings:Info] Driver is auto-enabled.
[OemKill:Error] Failed. Reason: Access is denied.
[Settings:Info] Interpolator: TabletDriverFilters.Devocub.Antichatter
joshuah345 commented
upon further observation, killing wacom professional service requires administrator privileges.
Possible workarounds:
- manually stop using an elevated command prompt or within services.msc
- use a batch script for automation
here's a working batch script:
@echo off
:: BatchGotAdmin
REM --> Check for permissions
>nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\SysWOW64\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\SysWOW64\config\system"
) ELSE (
>nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system"
REM --> If error flag set, we do not have admin.
if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' (
echo Requesting administrative privileges...
goto UACPrompt
) else ( goto gotAdmin )
echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
set params= %*
echo UAC.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "/c ""%~s0"" %params:"=""%", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
exit /B
pushd "%CD%"
CD /D "%~dp0"
net stop "Wacom Professional Service"
timeout 5
"timeout 5" at the end is optional. only needed if you want to see the output before cmd exits.
KoleckOLP commented
It does not kill my Wacom drivers on my CTL-4100 aswell.
X9VoiD commented
Due to changes within OTD (complete removal of plugin-defined GUI buttons) and the discovery of wacom's HID filter driver (which blocks feature initialization even if wacom drivers are not running), OemKill is now removed from the repository.