
Refactor : Reduce CPU load

LucasMLK opened this issue · 0 comments

Reason is there are always 2 java processes (solo and equal) always consuming 100%+ of CPU in htop, meaning one core, meaning (possibly) a single threaded workload.

Can we do something to identify, and further parallelise such code? In the past we have done so on multiple pool code parts, and it greatly improved pool performance.

Maybe this time, we could improve mining performance?

Do you think that LOGGING takes a lot of CPU? I'm tempted to disable it, as it logs a LOT in debug mode, but maybe the CPU utilisation effect could be negligible.

What are your thoughts guys?

When I look at ttop in admin console, MessageQueueTimer and epollEventLoopGroup take the most amount of CPU time. Can these threads be somehow optimised?
