Feat / Invitation - Implements search bar in invitation view with a way to determine the filtered area

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Choose the way to determine the filtered area between:

  • A tab view
  • A checkbox
  • A modal


  • DOR
  • DOD

📜CONTEXT (User Story)

As a customer and captain

I want to limit the invitation list to the users linked to my company by a search bar or search a certain email in the yaki database

In order to find a certain user efficiently to add to my team or as a captain


  • Step 1: Import search bar and display it in invitation view (To link)
  • Step 2: Steps relative to the chosen way to determine the filtered area
  • Step 3: Create the call to the api endpoints using "q" and "qExact" params to get users using filter in user service
  • Step 4: Link the call to the api to the user store
  • Step 5: Use the user store in input callback of the search bar to update user list
  • Step 6: Edit the input callback of the search bat to optimize ressources :
    • Make api call only if there are 3 characters or more in the search bar
    • Limit api call with a delay to not overload the api when user type quickly a name for instance
    • For the "find bar" using email, make an api call only when the user has written a valid email (Adding a search button is a possibility)


  • ⛔ We can get by string the users linked to the company and that contain the string in their name, firstname or email
  • ⛔ We can get by a certain email the users of yaki database
  • ⛔ We can switch the scope of search between the company and the full database


  • 📛 Wait for customer validation
  • 📛 Wait for #1469
  • 📛 Wait for #1476





What are the test cases required to validate this issue?

  • The user that make an invitation can acceed the search bar
  • The user that make an invitation can acceed the find bar by email after doing an action
  • When we have less than 3 characters in the search bar it shows a message that indicate the need of 3 characters
  • When we don't find users there is a message that indicate it

What kind of tests has been put in place to ensure the issue is resolved?

  • Manual Tests
  • Unit Tests
  • Integration Tests
  • Functional Tests
  • End To End Tests (Playwright & Cucumber)
  • Other (elaborate)