
Does the Real-HAT have a small version like HAT-S?

ANYMS-A opened this issue · 6 comments

Does the Real-HAT have a small version like HAT-S? SInce I want to deploy the HAT on a edge-computing device. But Real-HAT is too large to be deployed.

I met the same problem, the Real-HAT SRx4 requires too much VRAM. It would be better if the author releases a Real-HAT SRx2 version

Do you have trained the Real-HAT SRx2 ?

Do you have trained the Real-HAT SRx2 ?

Not yet, my GPU is not enough for training (RTX 4070Ti 12GB). If you want a good model, you need a large batch_size for training, 12GB is only enough for batch_size=1 (img_size 512)

Have you come across any smaller models that deliver slightly better performance? I'm interested in experimenting with a GAN. I saw that the author trained their network using a 2080 with a batch size of 4 for x4 super-resolution and achieved impressive results. However, I'm not sure about the duration of their training process.

Have you come across any smaller models that deliver slightly better performance? I'm interested in experimenting with a GAN. I saw that the author trained their network using a 2080 with a batch size of 4 for x4 super-resolution and achieved impressive results. However, I'm not sure about the duration of their training process.

Because my image for training is too large, which is 512*512, batch_size 1 takes 11.7 GB vram.
I'm now using Real-ESRGAN, it's OK for me, but not as good as HAT.
There is a new network called DRCT, you can have a look: https://github.com/ming053l/drct

Thank you, I wander how long it spend for yout to make supre resolution for 512*512 images with real-esrgan?