
New xApp Share (OS share dialog) data question

Closed this issue · 5 comments

By @whywefight (Daniel)

Not sure if it's an issue or us. When using the share stuff we are using

title: shareTitle,
text: shareDescription,
url: shareURL

On NF which works fine on ios giving a text and a link, on droid it's just the text. Worth opening an issue? Andre is sure it's not on us

Sorry for Format, on mobile atm

By @N3TC4T:
Daniel, it's an expected behavior for each platform, url is only available for iOS as title is only available for Android.
This is limits for each platform and not the app itself. But I believe we should make it easier and more clear for devs.

limiting the options to only two 'text' and 'url' and setting the values base on the platform will fix this problem I guess.

We will fix it on the next build, thanks for reporting 👍

@whywefight And if you share the URL as title or text on Android?

If you share an NFT from iOS (eg this 00081B581189F5687DBB7516339D6CCB5593D96622AD82DFED70C72E00000E7F) the results are:

iOS: https://xumm.app/detect/xapp:nftltd.viewer?NFTokenID=00081B581189F5687DBB7516339D6CCB5593D96622AD82DFED70C72E00000E7F
Droid: Sharing a Non Fungible NFT URL

Ideal would be Text + Link:

Sharing a Non Fungible NFT URL: https://xumm.app/detect/xapp:nftltd.viewer?NFTokenID=00081B581189F5687DBB7516339D6CCB5593D96622AD82DFED70C72E00000E7F

If that's not possible, we would use just the link for both. You can test it yourself with the Test Version of NF. It's currently in Sandbox, but I am happy if you push it out and keep it hidden on the xApp list. We want to expand on testers anyway.

We now are pushing the link on droid via title (i think), having text + link would be killer.

N3TC4T commented

due to platform limits sharing URL with title is not possible, please only use text to share the URL you want to share for both android and iOS and ignore title and url param.