
[Feature] (PRIO!) Dynamic Flags based on server definitions

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Based on the proposal to include flag numbers in RPC Server Definitions calls:

... TX details, sign requests, etc. should display the Flag names corresponding to the network the transaction happened on / is about to happen on.

Currently when someone tries to set / remove Flag 16 on their account, no matter if connected to XRPL or Xahau, it is displayed as asfAllowTrustLineClawback, while on Xahau this flag means asfDisallowIncomingRemit.

@RichardAH / @dangell7 & then @N3TC4T this has prio, because we're currently showing the wrong information to signers. Let's add this both to the next version of Xahaud (RPC, no consensus, so no amendment needed) & Xaman, and PR to XRPL.

Going to be released in days, so we can include this :)