
Cannot connect to V2 staging net

felipeclopes opened this issue · 1 comments

There is an error when connecting to Testnet v2 https://xumm.notion.site/Hooks-V2-staging-net-info-XLS20-518fa261c5cd49d2bcb89a5b9e7bef05

The flag AllowNoFullHistory does not impact the connection, so I assume the TxData could not connect to the WebSocket provided.

const txd = new TxData(["wss://hooks-testnet-v2.xrpl-labs.com"], {
	AllowNoFullHistory: false,



Uncaught (in promise) ALL_CONNECTIONS_FAILED: All endpoints are offline (or don't provide full history)
    at TxData.GenerateError (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/xrpl-txdata/dist/src/index.js:282:19)
    at TxData.eval (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/xrpl-txdata/dist/src/index.js:248:33)
    at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
    at fulfilled (webpack-internal:///./node_modules/xrpl-txdata/dist/src/index.js:6:58)

Is there anything I'm missing?

When connecting to the Hooks V2 testnet, Full History must not be requested, so AllowNoFullHistory must be true. The lib. will be searching for mainnet full history, and Hooks V2 testnet is a different net, it can't satisfy the mainnet FH needs.