
Xcode 8.1

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Xcode no longer opens after going through make process and codesigning says no identify found even though I have a certificate in my keychain.


  • Xcode Version [8.1 beta]
  • XVim branch and revision [latest ]

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I did read that. After the code signing step, couldn't open Xcode any more. If I already have an apple developer certicate, is there anything else I have to do before running the code sign command?

You're right.

Not working anymore with 8.1. It worked well with all betas but not the official release. I used to simply 'sudo make' xvim and run:
sudo codesign -f -s "Developer ID Application: *** **** (xxxxxx)" -v /Application/Xcode.app

but not anymore. xcode doesn't ask to load bundle anymore. Any suggestion ?!?!

ah! but if I load and run the XVim project in xcode 8.1 it compiled and installed fine!

Is it mean missing change to xcode-select to path of Xcode 8.1 ?

xcode-select was set to the right path. I think the makefile is not installing the plugin at the right place. but what do I'm really not sure.

aking commented

With the final build of Xcode 8.1 released today (8B62), Xvim is working fine for me after adding the new Xcode 8.1 UUID (DA4FDFD8-C509-4D8B-8B55-84A7B66AE701) to Info.plist, as described here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19110899/xcode-plugins-stopped-working

And resigning Xcode as described here: https://github.com/XVimProject/XVim/blob/master/INSTALL_Xcode8.md

No problems with 8.1 so far after doing the above and rebuilding and running Xvim from source with Xcode 8.1

Not working here :( "Xcode quit unexpectedly while using the XVim plug-in."
Xcode Version 8.1 (8B62) on Os X 10.11.6

Any idea how to get this working, @aking I already see the UUID in the .plist

What do you mean building with Xcode 8.1 ? I tried both from within Xcode to build the Xvim project, and from the commandline.

I also resigned Xcode.

When attempting to do the codesign portion I am getting this error:

/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/codesign_allocate: file not in an order that can be processed (link edit information does not fill the __LINKEDIT segment): /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode /Applications/Xcode.app: the codesign_allocate helper tool cannot be found or used

I have verified codesign_allocate does exist in that location but I have no idea what it means about the LINKEDIT stuff.

My issue is from previous version where the /MacOS/Xcode binary was altered and renamed to Xcode_orig. Once I cp'd the Xcode_orig over top the altered one I was able to do the code signing.

I opened the Xvim project in Xcode 8.1 and I RAN the project, which it asked me about loading the plugin and I said yes, it then launched another Xcode window with the plugin enabled. I then closed Xcode and then opened my other projects and it was working :)

This was after doing the code signing and running 'sudo make' and the plugin still didn't load, I did the above steps.

It did not work for me for the first time either. The Load bundle dialog did not open after re-signing Xcode according to INSTALL_Xcode8.md followed by make.

This helped me:

  1. Quit Xcode.
  2. make clean
  3. make uninstall
  4. Re-sign using sudo codesign -f -s XcodeSigner /Applications/Xcode.app
  5. make

The Load bundle dialog then appeared. I guess the problem might have something to do that I had to confirm that Xcode 8.1 is an unsupported version the first time I run make, so maybe re-signing Xcode needs to be done after confirming this.

Thanks @aking. Confirmed that it's working.

Whew, excited to get my vim keybindings back :)

It works. Thank you. @aking

@aking In my case,it works.But i need to build and run Xvim project at first every time.Is there anything wrong ? My Xcode version is 8.1.Any answers will be pleased.

Where do you install you .xvimrc? and just simple do in the terminal? the load bundles messages shows up, but vim mode never starts. What do you have to do to get it to start/exit out when you dont want to be in vim mode?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you

how to set the default codesign for xcode?