
s-ol.nu formatting broken

Closed this issue · 2 comments

s-ol commented

Name of the site: mmm.s-ol.nu

The site is displayed as mmm.s-ol in the index, when it should rather be mmm.s-ol.nu or s-ol.nu.
In general as the "index" URL I prefer s-ol.nu (without subdomain), which will redirect to https://mmm.s-ol.nu, but I understand if you want to avoid the redirect.

The url wasn't broken, the display name didn't show the extension .nu.
I've changed it to <a href="https://mmm.s-ol.nu">s-ol.nu</a>, but the link still points to mmm, that's how you made the PR.

s-ol commented

Yeah that's what I meant, the "broken link" label was just the closest of the template issues. Thanks :)