
Endpoint names

Opened this issue · 1 comments

We should rename beta.api.archivist.xyo.network to api.kerplunk.xyo.network

We should rename api.archivist.xyo.network to api.main.archivist.xyo.network

In both cases, we should leave the old names for the immediate future, but I think these names make it clear that these are not beta/prod, but rather two networks.

@arietrouw The kerplunk network URI is shorter than main? Did you mean these two URIs:

  1. api.main.archivist.xyo.network
  2. api.kerplunk.archivist.xyo.network

Is that what you're thinking? Would we follow this pattern for Diviners as well? No matter what the URI scheme is, this is mostly just generating new certs and re-Terraforming things.